
Sunday, March 30, 2014



“She had not made a decision to give up sex, only the clamor of romance, because it was exhausting her, doing her no good and too much harm….”


“If I could but know his heart, everything would become easy.”


He stood close, looking at me.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” he asked.  “If you don’t I shall die.  And when they find my bones still upright, they will wonder what it was that made me stand and wait for something that would kill me.”  Jean Bush


One day, when he and I were busy saving me from disaster, he suddenly gathered me in his arms and I got into trouble all over again.    Jean Bush


It’s dangerous to try and pick up a wild thing; it will claw you and bleed you before leaping away.  But if you can hold it still long enough to kiss it, it will bring good luck all the rest of your life.    Jean Bush

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