
Wednesday, March 23, 2016


By Jean Bush

A city lies smoking and ruined
As far as the eye can see.
The people are saddened and shaken
As they walk  through the newest debris.

A wretched cry goes out for justice,
The Masters respond with glee.
Your soft chains will always be bloodless
And reach farther across the sea.

The people grasp quickly their shackles
In fond hopes of staying safe.
And ignore their last gasping freedom
As brave history is erased.

The Phoenix is stricken and fallen
As the world looks forward in dread,
I hear no hope that's a callin',
Is Europe most truly now dead?

Saturday, February 13, 2016


By Jean Bush

I feel your words upon me
As they race across the page,
A running sense of wonder
Even late upon this age.
The whispered flips of paper
As the pages turn and burn

Setting me afire,
It seems I never learn.
The secrets whispered to me
As I pause and try to hear,

Are echo cries of memory
That are laden wet with tears.
The hardened cover closes
Shutting down the riot sight.
I nod and ponder deeply
Slipping off into the night.